Sibling Doula Package


If you feel that your older child may want to be there for the birth but don’t want the extra stress of being responsible for him or her, hire a sibling doula!

Our sibling doulas take the time to get to know their little clients and spend the time prenatally with them prenatally as they would any other client. They are also dedicated to being on call for you 3 weeks before and two weeks after your “due” date. 

Sibling Doulas:

  • Meet with the child several times before birth

  • Help them understand what to expect

  • Depending on age, read books together about welcoming a sibling into the family.

  • Show them pictures of the baby developing in the womb

  • If you like, show them videos of a baby being born to prepare them and gauge their reactions

  • During the birth, explain what’s going happening in a way they will understand

  • Take them to the waiting room or elsewhere if they are feeling overwhelmed or frightened

  • Reconnect with all of you postpartum to see how you all are coping with the new addition to your family.